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Чекаємо Вас у МЦ " Відновлення"

Косметологія і дерматологія, Хірургія, Флебологія, Кардіологія, УЗД, Пластична хірургія  


Новий корпус вже відкрито!

Вертебрологія, Ортопедія, Неврологія, Реабілітація



Medical centre "Vidnovlennya"

This is a modern approach to diagnosis and treatment. This is the latest high-tech, modern equipment, which in the skilful hands of specialists allows us to provide patients with help with the most serious diseases. And most importantly, it has a highly qualified team of doctors, a friendly and close-knit team of like-minded people who are able to solve any problem. We prioritise patient care and service that meets the highest medical standards. We implement an individual approach to each patient, strive for maximum openness to the patient and full trust on his or her part. We do not only treat symptoms, but also strive to eliminate the cause of their development. Licence of LLC CRZ Vidnovlennya
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Contact us

Make an appointment
or get a consultation:


+380 (98) 662 72 22

0 800 30 58 60


Write to us by email:


Turn in personally:

Zhytomyr, Lyubarska st., 4


Our working hours:

Mon-Fri 08:00-19:00
Sat 08:00-16:00
Sun day off

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